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Страна: Япония
Год производства: 2022
Стар показа:
Формат аниме: tv
Сезонов: 1
Всего серии в сезоне: 12
Длительность: 24 мин. ~ серия
Статус: released
Рейтинг MPAA: PG-13
Жанр: Повседневность, Школа
Лицензировано: Crunchyroll, Wakanim
Ever since she was young, Komichi Akebi has always adored sailor uniforms, even going so far as to ask her mother to sew one if she succeeds in getting into her mother's alma mater, Roubai Academy. And thus, when she gets accepted into the prestigious school, Komichi is ecstatic. However, much to her surprise, the middle school no longer uses sailor uniforms as its dress code—making Komichi stand out from her schoolmates. Despite this, Komichi is granted permission to continue wearing the traditional attire. With renewed confidence, Komichi meets fascinating classmates as they experience school life together. Under the colorful shower of blossoming prospects, an exciting tomorrow awaits them!
  • Другие названия
  • Матроска Акэби / Akebi's Sailor Uniform

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Актеры: Манацу Мураками, Сора Амамия, Акари Кито, Акира Сэкинэ, Кана Ханадзава, Мисаки Куно, Мария Исэ, Сиори Миками, Kelsey Maher, Сион Вакаяма
Директор: Миюки Куроки, Jason Lord, Харука Цудзуки, Такахиро Харада, Nozomu Kamiya, Макото Като, Такаюки Кикути, Ёсихиса Мацумото, Moaang, Синъитиро Усидзима
Сценарист: Рино Ямадзаки
Оператор: Юки Кавасита
Редактор: Акари Саито
Композитор: Кана Утатанэ
Описание - 2
Ever since she was young, Komichi Akebi has always adored sailor uniforms, even going so far as to ask her mother to sew one if she succeeds in getting into her mother's alma mater, Roubai Academy. And thus, when she gets accepted into the prestigious school, Komichi is ecstatic. However, much to her surprise, the middle school no longer uses sailor uniforms as its dress code—making Komichi stand out from her schoolmates. Despite this, Komichi is granted permission to continue wearing the traditional attire.

With renewed confidence, Komichi meets fascinating classmates as they experience school life together. Under the colorful shower of blossoming prospects, an exciting tomorrow awaits them!